Chris Perullo

Director of Engineering

Responsible for development and deployment of advanced M&D techniques for power generation systems.


Chris is responsible for engineering activities at Turbine Logic. He has 10+ years of experience in gas turbine and combined cycle design, modelling and simulation, and analysis and has published more than 30 related publications. Chris’ past work has focused on a wide variety of advanced gas turbine simulation and monitoring methods and for entities including NASA, the FAA, and all of the major large frame and aircraft engine OEMs including GE, Rolls-Royce, and Pratt & Whitney. Much of this work focuses on applying visualization and machine learning methods to power plant and energy system simulation.


  • Turbomachinery
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Machine Learning
  • Gas Turbines
  • Performance
  • M&D


Georgia Institute of Technology
M.S., Aerospace Engineering, 2009

Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
B.S., Aerospace Engineering, 2007


  • Lieuwen, T., Emerson, B., Perullo, C., Noble, D., Angello, L., Sheppard, S., Kee, J., “Combustion Dynamics Monitoring Considerations for Systems with Autotuning”, American Society of Mechanical Engineers – Turbo Expo, 2018
  • Noble, B., Angello, L., Sorge, J., Lieuwen, T., Perullo, C., Emerson, B., Kee, J., “Enhancing Monitoring & Diagnostics with the Digital Twin”, ISA POWID Symposium 2018, POW 18-55.
  • Kestner, B., Hill, C., Angello, L., Barron, J., Lieuwen, T., Perullo, C., “Correlation of Analysis of Multiple Sensors for Industrial Gas Turbine Compressor Blade Health Monitoring,” Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, Vol. 137, November 2015.
  • Perullo, C., Barron, J., Grace, D., Angello, L., Lieuwen, T., “Evaluation of Air Filtration Options for An Industrial Gas Turbine,” ASME Turbo Expo 2015, GT2015-43736.
  • Kestner, B., Perullo, C., Sands, J., Mavris, D., “Bayesian Belief Network for Robust Engine Design and Architecture Selection,” Turbo Expo 2014, GT2014-27017
  • Grace, D., Perullo, C., Kee, J., “Economic Optimization of Inlet Air Filtration for Gas Turbines,” Proc. ASME Turbo Expo, GT2018-75435.

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