
Our proprietary algorithms can detect issues earlier, enhancing performance, protecting your assets, and reducing costly downtime.
Solar Plant Failure Detection


SunSpotter is solar fault detection software that monitors your PV system in real time, using your existing data to spot hardware issues immediately.

It catches power-robbing failures early to boost energy production and minimize downtime.

Easily integrated into your current setup, SunSpotter ensures your solar plant runs at peak efficiency.

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Advanced Combustion Dynamics Monitoring

Dynamics Plus

Dynamics Plus is a combustion dynamics monitoring system that augments and extends the capabilities of traditional Combustion Dynamics Monitoring System (CDMS).

It provides real-time combustion health information that protects the power turbine and helps maximize unit availability. Dynamics Plus is an advanced machine learning algorithm coupled with a physics-based combustion model that alerts operators of instrumentation, hardware, and tuning issues before they become critical.

It is currently in use at several major utilities, and has caught numerous instrumentation issues and hardware faults such as melted premixing tubes and cracked resonators.  Most recently, Dynamics Plus  prevented an outage, saving more than $1 million in repairs and lost revenue.

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