
Machine Learning

We can help train your staff, audit existing machine learning models for accuracy and robustness, evaluate your Machine Learning processes, and help you deploy Machine Learning within your power generation organization. There are hundreds of Machine Learning Approaches available. Let us help you choose the right one for the job.

Common Types of Machine Learning

  • Artificial Neural Network

Artificial Neural Network (ANN) are designed to mimic the connection of neurons in the human brain. ANNs is that this can adapt to discrete and non-linear responses and handle both discrete and continuous inputs simultaneously. This method is computationally efficient and portable once trained.

  • Clustering Algorithms

Clustering algorithms are typically used in APRI M&D software. It works by identifying clusters of common data points in multidimensional space. This method is good for unsupervised learning. Clustering algorithms are especially useful when functional form of data is not known or hard to define. The ability to generalize comes at the cost of accuracy and detectability. Common types of clustering algorithms are K-means, Hierarchical, and Normal Mixtures.

  • Classification Algorithms (Advanced Pattern Recognition)

Classification algorithms predict class membership based on input data. This method is conceptually similar to clustering, except that groups are tagged in advanced. Common types of algorithms are including Logistic Regression, Naive Bayes Classifier, K-Nearest Neighbors, Decision Trees, and Neural Networks. All algorithms predict probability that certain set of inputs belongs to the specific class.

  • Bayesian Learning

Bayesian Learning is a real-world example of Bayesian Networks. This method is used in model calibration, diagnostics, and model updating. Bayesian Learning is flexible and good for mixed data sets, and suitable for both discrete and continuous data.

How Turbine Logic Can Help?

Turbine Logic can help to select which machine learning algorithm suits the best with your asset’s data. Model creation process takes the following approach:


  • Construct a Training Set
  • Identify Responses
  • Train the Model
  • Evaluate Model Accuracy

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