
Renewable Energy Archives - Turbine Logic

Offshore Wind Finding Direction in U.S.

Europe has a big head start globally when it comes to generating power from offshore wind installations. The U.S. has lagged due to a variety of factors, including the need to work through regulatory issues. Industry insiders, though, agree the sector is poised for rapid growth off American shores.

Offshore wind installations already are delivering on their promise as a transformative technology for power generation, with projects off European coasts providing proving grounds for the industry. U.S. adoption of offshore wind has been slower, owing in part to regulatory issues and political will.

Darrel Procter, an associate editor for POWER Magazine, discusses several lag factors observed in wind installations in US shores, economic impacts of US offshore wind power, new technologies that drives growth in offshore wind, and potential growth in the field alongside with emerging trend of using hydrogen as an energy source. The full article can be found in here.